Saturday 9 November 2013

Les Grèves

Today has been a fairly typical Saturday, with a meander through the market to buy fruit, veg, tapenade and a baguette for lunch, and then to sit and have a chocolat chaud in the sunshine in Place Saint Pierre and watch the world go by, because market day means throngs of people winding their way through the tiny streets of the town and I always keep a lookout for Peter Mayle. Today has been especially hot and sunny, a nice reminder of October, although the seasons are definitely beginning to change. This afternoon I have done my lesson preparation for next week with a glass of wine in the sun.

After two weeks holiday it was good to be back at school this week, because Apt is so quiet, I am trying to keep busy so I don't notice the time fly until Christmas. But it is not to be, because the infamous french strikes have caught up with me. I wondered how long it would take before they would affect me and now they have. Next Thursday all the teachers are on strike so school is off and I effectively have a three hour week, as Monday is off too due to Memorial Day. I wouldn't complain but I'm struggling to find things to do! Luckily Piers and Suvi are coming on Thursday evening for a long weekend in Provence and I'm very excited to see them both and show them the best bits round here. 
Nothing much else to report here except yesterday Becca and I went to IKEA and I bought new bedding, so I slept VERY well last night.

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