Sunday 27 October 2013

Homeward Bound

It's been a quiet week on the blogging front, and today I'm blogging a backlog of a week of travels but that's alright because it's Sunday and if you recall- that means nothing to do here in Apt. Our first week of holiday has flown by and it didn't half go quickly. I didn't outline my travel plans very specifically before I left because they involved an impromptu trip home, arriving the day after Daniels birthday and so I kept them quiet in the hope of giving him a very happy birthday surprise.

I did not intend to go home before Christmas, as my frequent trips across the country between Nottingham and York have become a bit of a family joke but Becca and her friend had booked three days in Edinburgh so it seemed to me a good opportunity for me to stay at home and stock up on everything English I was missing so much. Last week was a tense one with Daniel unaware he would be seeing me in the near future and me trying to organise my family and his family not to let anything slip!

So Sunday dawned at last and after packing up we left the apartment at 12, to take the bus to Avignon. Because of the bus times, train times and flight time we had a reasonable amount of waiting around, with me using every bit of available free wifi to explain to a bemused Daniel the reason I was so quiet was that I was very busy and wasn't checking my phone. To touch down in England was utter bliss, with a chip off the old block Yorkshire taxi driver, driving familiar roads and best of all- switching on data roaming!

flight boarding at long last

We arrived home at midnight, 12 hours after setting out, and after big kisses from the dogs and showing the girls their rooms I jumped in the car and headed round to Daniel's. Having only just messaged him to say I was going to sleep (in bed, in France) Daniel's expression when he opened the door to me was one of utter shock and disbelief. While I exchanged hugs and kisses with  Heather, Jeff and Charlie he had to go out of the room to compose himself and spent the rest of the night looking anxiously at me as if I was a figment of his imagination and could disappear at any moment.

somebody pleased to see Daniel- or wanting to throttle him?

And so three lovely days passed at home, with dog walking, lunches in York, home cooked food, and lovely autumnal weather* and as was inevitable Wednesday night came round all too quickly, sparking the obligatory I-don't-want-to-leave meltdown. But time stops for no man and it didn't stop for me, so at 4am on Thursday morning my alarm sounded, pulling me out of my dreaming state and sending me hurtling again through the dark, damp countryside, to Leeds Bradford Airport. But that's another blog post. 

Mannions & Co Mocha 

*more like rain, rain and more rain

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