Friday, 17 January 2014

Toujours Provence

Not a lot has been happening this week- with lessons cancelled because of classes skiing I've had plenty of time on my hands. On Monday I taught the youngest class I have colours. I thought it would be a good idea to play the game 'stand up if you're wearing....(yellow/red/blue)'. Unfortunately the children thought the aim of the game was to be able to stand up as much as possible so desperate attempts to find some of the colour on their person led to various six year old boys pulling down their trousers and trying to show me their boxers. 

On Tuesday I got up and went for an intended jog (walk) down the cycle path, wearing only a thin jumper because the sky from my window looked like this:

I left the apartment and discovered the sky to the north looked like this:

Luckily I didn't get caught it in, but I did get very cold. On Tuesday afternoon I set off to school, and found myself confronted with countries and nationalities to teach the children. Over the course of the afternoon I learnt the difference between the Australian and New Zealand flag, I still have no idea what you say for the nationality of someone from New Zealand, I spelled 'Italien' and 'Indien' wrong (I'm obviously turning french) and was corrected by a nine year old french boy, I learnt the difference between the Italian and Irish flag (again from a nine year old) and finally I learnt that the capital of south Africa is Pretoria, not Petonia (again from the same nine year old boy!) Tuesday night also had a welcome surprise for me- the mother of one of the boys who I tutor has asked me if I'd be interesting in babysitting her two boys from time to time. She has a seven year old and a one year old, and I imagine it will be a job and a half but I was very happy to accept.

Wednesday dawned sunny and clear- I didn't have my lunch rendezvous this week because Sabine had something on, so I wandered into town, took a few pictures, went to the bank, and then returned to the apartment to wait for my evening Chez Vernis. Again a very enjoyable evening was spent with her family- after an hour's English with her girls, she showed me what she was preparing- another traditional french dish called Tartiflette, which is a cheese and potato bake with prosciutto ham and Reblochon cheese. It was a lovely evening, but not without a major french slip up on my part; they taught me the word 'con' which in it's masculine form is a not so nice derogatory way of saying 'idiot' or 'imbecile', but pronounced with a slightly different 'o' sound (courtesy of me), cue horrified faces from all the family and then laughter, it means something much much worse and if you're interested- look it up on word reference in its feminine form but I certainly won't repeat it here!

Thursday was a quiet day- with two of my classes skiing, and pouring with rain. In the evening I went over to Sylviane's for tea and french conversation and she invited me to a family lunch that they are having in February with all her extended family, and her nieces and nephews who are of similar age to me. Tonight Alison is coming to stay and we have tested Becca's Christmas present slow cooker, with a sausage and bacon casserole which is cooking away right now, and smells delicious- but we will see! 

Tomorrow we're going to Aix-en-Provence for the day, for some shopping and cultural activites- we're planning to go and see Cezanne's studio but first have to brave a 5.30am start to get the 6.30 bus to Aix. On y va!

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